Saturday, 4 April 2015

Models Own, Speckled Egg Collection

So today I'm going to be giving a short review for the Models Own speckled egg collection (As you already know by the title).
Since it was such a lovely day, I decided to grab my camera and shoot some photo's outside. With the help of Lily of course:

Nail paint is probably one of the things I obsess over (makeup wise) and I have always been in between with Models Own brand because It's like they will bring out new collections, and some of them I'll really like, but a lot of the time I'll try some out and I'm not really keen. They do have some interesting collections, like the fruit pastel collection (I'm still yet to try!) which sound absolutely amazing! But by far my favourite collection has to be speckled egg.
I first bought the goose colour (the yellow one) and I was so excited to try it!
When I painted my nails they just looked so cute and my nails were transformed into some mother gooses little babies. I went straight back out and bought the whole collection!
The colours remind me a lot of spring and those little chocolate eggs you get for Easter. The paint goes on very easily, I only have to use about two coats, but probably the only downside to this collection is removing it!
Because it has tiny and big bits of glitter to give the speckled affect, that when it comes to taking it off all the glitter sticks to your nails. Once you get all the paint off you're just left loads of glitter that I usually have to soak my nails in nail varnish remover, then still I have to scratch the remaining bits off. It's a little bit of annoyance, but I am still really adore this collection!

What are your favourite nail paint collections?

Kerri x

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Q&A With Vintgeheartsxo!

So today I'm going to be doing a Q&A with my dear friend Megan! Who also has her own blog and you can find it by clicking onto her name.

We've been blogging together and we thought we'd give each other a Q&A to help all you guys get to know us and to share.

Q1: What’s your full name and blog name?
A: Megan Zoe Louise Chapman and my blog name is Vintageheartsxo

Q2: What’s your blog about and how long have you been blogging?
A: My blog is mainly based around make-up but I want to start adding fashion and lifestyle into it, and I've been blogging properly since the beginning of this year but had my blog since 2013.

Q3: What’s your favourite band/artist currently?
A: Ooh too many! But I'll say either 5 Seconds of Summer (Off to see them in June!) Banks or Kodaline.

Q4: What’s your daily routine like?
A: My daily routine is far too boring but hey! I wake up and slowly start to get ready, I then go to work for most of the day (Kills me!) and when I get home I get changed into my pj's and snuggle watching Netflix or writing a blog post.

Q5: How would you describe yourself?
A: I would say the best way to describe me is short, quiet and determined.

Q6: What’s your idea of a day off?
A: My day off would involve a lie in and definitely shopping!

Q7: What’s your favourite makeup brand currently?
A: I would probably have to say it's Max Factor at the moment.

Q8: Do you have a guilty pleasure, if so what is it?
A: I'd probably say listening to really old albums or songs and having a sing a long (I cannot sing at all!)

Q9: What outfit do you wear the most?
A: I'd probably say anything black and white – they’re the only colours you see me in.

Q10: Do you have any pets?
A: Yes I have a cavalier king Charles named Elle and 2 leopard Gecko's, One named Oscar and the other called Taz.

Q11: Favourite nail paint/brand?
A: I'd have to say Barry M or Models Own.

Q12: What item of makeup do you wear the most of?
A: I'd have to say liquid eyeliner or lipstick.

Q13: Favourite food and drink? (Hot or cold)
A: Food – Anything which involves pasta
Drink – hot chocolate with cream.

Q14: Who do you text the most?
A: Either Luke (My Boyfriend) or Kerri (The person who writes this blog!)

Q15: When was the last time you attempted something, but it didn’t go quite to plan?
A: This is the only thing I can actually think of – I'm trying to save for a car but each time I start I spend my money on make-up or clothes.

Q16: Who do you most look up to?
A: I'd probably have to say my mum definitely.

Q17: Pick a song that describes you.
A: I can't really think of one specific so I'm picking a song which when I hear just cheers me up, which would be Milk by The 1975 (love this song so much!)

Q18: What one thing couldn’t you live without?
A: This could be so many things but I'll say music – simply because this changes my mood so much.

Q19: What’s your favourite childhood memory?
A:  I'd say all the holiday's when I was younger, as these were the days when I had no worries and enjoyed everything.

Q20: Finally, what do you enjoy most about blogging?
A: I have to say blogging is something I love doing as I'm quite a quiet person but when I'm blogging I know I can share how I'm feeling or what I'm enjoying and someone somewhere will like or feel the same way. I also love how you can meet people who love the same things as you and they can live at the other side of the world (its mind blowing!)

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Phoenix Rising Bath Bomb Review

So today I'm going to another Lush bath bomb review.
Today's is going to be Phoenix Rising:

This bath bomb, as you can see, is a beautiful shimmering purple and gold colour. It contains Cinnamon, Shea butter Jojoba oil and Beaumont oil. This bath bomb is supposed to relax and soften your skin, leaving you refreshed! 
It has a rich scent of Cinnamon, which always reminds me of Christmas.
When I first dropped this into my bath it took a second for to to start bubbling away, but once it did it started to give of a sweet purple colour. The scent of Cinnamon started to be given off and little pieces broke away. 
Once the bath bomb began to dissolve fully, a green started to mix in with the purple and it created a stunning midnight purple colour. I also started to notice that glitter was pouring in too.

I would say this bath bomb is a really good relaxing agent! Bathing in it is very relaxing and the smell of Cinnamon soaks into your skin. All the oils are so good for leaving your skin soft and pampered. If your are all about scents and smells I would recommend that you buy this. 
It's a great luxury and I am definitely buying this again! Adding bath salts with this would be a great combination to relax with, or even adding the bath bomb Butterball.
It's always great to experiment with Lush products - especially bath bombs!

Do any of you mix bath bombs together? If so, which ones work the best together?

Kerri x