Saturday, 6 February 2016

Going Veggie!

Hi Guys!

So for quite a while now I've been thinking about becoming a vegetarian. I have been one before, but I didn't really commit to it very well, as I was only quite young. Now being a lot older and smarter than my younger self, I've decided to try again.
I know the whole process isn't going to happen over night, and it is going to take quite some time for me to fully transition myself into a full vegetarian. But it's something that I want to commit myself too, and make this change in my life.
The reason I want to make this transition is because I am a very big animal lover, and I came to realise that: how can be so passionate about animals and eat them? The thought just occurred to me that I am consuming the very things that I love! I think of it like I am eating one of pets, and it actually just really sickens me. I am aware of all the things that animals have to go through when they are bred in slaughter houses and killed for our consumption. Like I said, I never really actually had the thought that this was what I was eating!

Lets talk about the process.
Cutting something out of your everyday life/diet is always going to be hard, and I think how I am going to start this off is to not cut everything out at once. I'm talking about fish. For the beginning I am still going to eat certain fish, so I'm going to be a pescetarian, and as time goes I will eventually stop eating fish and become a full veggie! Like I said, it's a long process. For some people it could be easier for them to completely cut it all out and become a full vegetarian at the click of a finger. For me i know it's not going to be that straightforward.
I am not going be alone though! I have a friend who is a full veggie, and when I told her that I was going to become one again she got a little excited. This is a very good advantage because I know I have someone to talk about all of it and, if I have any questions or concerns, I have her to ask and be reassured. 
It didn't really go as smooth with Jordan (my boyfriend) and I thought it would though. He was a tiny bit negative at first, but I think that was because he thought this was happening for him too; obviously not! I can understand why he was like that at first though. Something like this not only affects you, but affects the people in your life. They have to make some changes is well when it comes to preparing you food, and it's also like when you want to go a restaurant, and with buying things that aren't tested on animals etc.
After a long discussion though, he came around to the idea and told me that he would support me through it, as well as my family. 
I know there are a few things that will also have to give up other than meat. Take my Doc Martens for example: they are made from leather and I shouldn't really be wearing them around if I'm a vegetarian. But this is all the big process I am going to have deal with. Same with my skincare, makeup and miscellaneous things in my life.
I think the one thing that triggered this was the lose of my cat Jasmine. She went missing and we still haven't found her, so I was in this kind of depression about it all, and this is where this all came from. It's heartbreaking to animal owner to think about what's happened to their pet when they suddenly go missing, and I kind of think about eating meat in this sense. I don't want to be apart of the torture that happens to all of the innocent animals, just for the pure ignorance of us human beings.

In the overall, I just wanted to share this with you guys, and it would help if you have any advice or tips that could help me in my journey of becoming a vegetarian. I will let you know how I get on and keep kind of an updated diary for you all.
One website that really helped me in my decision, was the Vegetarian Society. They provide so much information on what it takes to become a veggie and how it helps with your diet and lifestyle. If you want to check out the website click here.

To leave on a nice note, here is a picture of my new kitten and house mates cat.